Friday, April 13, 2018

How to drink green tea for weight lost ?

These days most people try to get shape-up or lost their weight drinking these popular green tea all over the world. Today I'm going to talk about the green tea and how you should use green tea correctly to achieve your fitness goal .

First let's talk about tea ,tea is very popular drink around the world, From the records last year people consumed 3.2 billion gallons of tea in US. From that amount 84% of people consume black tea rather normal tea.

But in this green tea reported to be growing at much higher than black tea.

There are several studies and experiments done to check these green tea is really helping us to lose our weight. They found in green tea there are two main ingredients support body to lose the weight(Flavonoids and caffeine). These two ingredients helping to elevate our body metabolic rates and also increasing our insulin activities and fast our weight lost.

one study that show us who consumed green tea can lost average of 1,3 kg during 8-12 weeks period.

Now let's talk about how much you need to consume to achieve above target numbers.First you don't need to drink more to get in to this. It's recommended to consume two and half cup of green tea to get better result after 12 weeks.

Also you can find there are many type of green tea in the market. Some are better than others for weight lost due to there nutrition amounts. You can find Matcha green tea as a best green tea for your weight lost journey.

Now let me explain you how to make a good green tea to support your weight lost. Normally people put the green tea bag immediately after they boil there water and consume it.

Are you mad ? That's not the correct way to consume green tea. First boil the water and keep it 10 min after boil. Because boiled water is bad for healthy chemicals which contain in green tea. After 10 min now you can brewing the green tea around 2 min and get the most out of it. Enjoy it and see you again in another post!!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Eating at night does make you FAT ?

Do you think eating at night make you fat ? hold a second please let explain you correct about eating foods at night.

What you say If i tell you now eating night also good as same as eating morning ?
Are you believe me ? Nor ?
Ok let me explain this,

When we start talk about meals , breakfast is the king of your meal.Many diet experts also saying that breakfast is the important meal of the day.

Experiments done by medical school(University of Massachusetts) found that people who skip their breakfast are gain more body fat compare with the people who don't skip their morning food.

OK now you think because of breakfast is good then other meals are bad or less important ? 

No , not like that other meals also important to us to keep our body strong and healthy. There is not time limit for you to take your foods. You can consume foods any time.

The real matter is not the time you eat , biggest matter is the calories count you consume within a day(24 hours). You should consume a amount of calories only you can burn and give you energy. If not end of the day they will stay and transform to fat and make you more fatty then now.
“Don’t eat after 6 pm”
It's the best night time eating myth I heard from so many people around me,  you also already heard this from your friend or gym partner.
As I told you before ,your body gain weight and fat reason of how much calories you eat and what you eat. Not depend on the time you eat.

Let me tell you a example, remember the stress full week you even stay late night, you will experience the gain weight of your body and make you ugly in next few days.

It's because of you didn't give proper rest for your body over night and also ate so many thing even more your body needs.(that's meal you consume more calories than your body can burn within 24 hours.)

Aahaaaa , Now you know what is the wrong , your body gain fat and weight not because of you eat at night. That because of you consume more calories.

Finally I need to you , If you can control your daily calories intake ,you can eat foods anytime ,even late night.

If your used to eat late night, this tip will help you to keep eating while not gaining weight and fat.

  • Around (6-8)pm If you eat ,you can down your calories intake of that meal if you planning to snake at late night.
Ok let's conclude this like this, I'm not saying you should eat the biggest meal at night , but I say eating night also not an issue If you maintain your calories intake correctly.

See you guys .....

Friday, January 26, 2018

Mass Gainers or Whey Protein ?

Hi Guys , Today I'm going to talk about another good topic. Most of the people who already going to gym and also who start gym first time few days ago having these problem in their mind. Which one is the best whey protein or mass gainer supplement ? If you ask this question from who workout almost few years definitely the answer is whey protein but if you ask the guy or gal who start workout recently the answer will most of the time  Mass Gainers rather going to whey protein. But when they working few years they also moving to whey rather sticking with Gainers.
Ok, First let's talk about Whey Protein ,
Whey protein produce using many sources such as egg white, beef, chicken, soy etc... whey protein is the purest form of protein which they get from above sources. Whey protein digest your body quickly and also release to your bloodstream fast. It'll help you to build and recover fast after your workout.Normally every whey protein has a small amount of fat and carbs. If we compare this whey protein with mass gainers, normally mass gainers contain lot of calories than whey protein supplements. Because their main focus is to increase daily calories intake and put mass on users.Mass gainers also contain protein but it's like 1g protein to 2 or 3 g of calories.

Do you know how they maintain this calories amount in side the mass gainers ? Most of the people think it's from protein and other nutritions inside the mass gainers.No it's not like that Mass Gainers normally 80% of calories taking from the sugar content(Maltose and sucrose ) they mixed with other ingredients. Most of the mass gainers users main target is increase their body size rather build their muscles. So because of these calories intake they will surely gain few  kilos while using it daily.

Now you know these mass gainers contain more calories than whey protein. normally one serving whey protein contain 100-150 calories but mass gainer one serving will give you 2000-2500 calories per day. So no wonder you gain weight with the amounts of calories surplus.

So let's see which supplement will match for your needs

If your goal is bodybuilding.then you need to build your muscle and also the strength. These need full fill by a whey protein and also the mass gainers but why you need to add more calories and also gain more fat using mass gainers if there is a pure whey protein is available without unwanted fat and calories. So you can make a choice over mass gainers and select the whey protein for
 your need.

Let's say your person try every meal plan and workout but still not gain 1kg after few months trying. You can select Mass Gainers over whey protein and first add few kilos to your weight few months. But not recommend to used long period due to sugar and fat content in the mass gainers.Also please follow the labeled instruction and use the way they asked you to get the good result and at least you need to use more than 6 months to see any supplements result with right servings amount and your workout plan and diet plan.

video in sinhala :

Good luck!!